Speech-rate conversion corpus: SpeedSpeech-JA-2022
What's new
- Feb. 28, 2022 ver1.0.0 has been released.
This corpus is created in collaboration with System 1 lab., Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. The main purpose of this corpus is to study the evaluation of speech-rate conversion in speech synthesis and voice conversion. This corpus consists of Japanese 324 sentences from the ITA corpus (RECITATION) read by one male and one female professional Japanese narrator at (1) normal speed, (2) fast speed, and (3) slow speed conditions, respectively. All the speech waveforms (24-bit linear PCM, sampling frequency: 48 kHz) were recorded in a soundproof room.
(about 1.36 GB)
This corpus is released under "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)".
The license of the text follows the ITA corpus license (public domain).
Extracted directory
The files have been compressed in 'zip' format. The extracted directory should look like:
01_normal/ ##female normal spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 4.8 mora / sec)
02_fast/ ##female fast spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 6.8 mora / sec)
03_slow/ ##female slow spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 3.8 mora / sec)
01_normal/ ##male normal spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 6.4 mora / sec)
02_fast/ ##male fast spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 9.0 mora / sec)
03_slow/ ##male fast spped 324 sentences (averaged speech-rate 5.0 mora / sec)